Introducing Shoshinjyuku Wadokai Dojo Kun

Our club is delighted to share that both Sensei Honami and Sensei Jessie have collaboratively crafted a Dojo Kun. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sensei Honami's mum for her contribution in writing the calligraphy, which is now proudly displayed on the dojo wall. The Dojo Kun serves as a guiding principle, reflecting the values and spirit of our club. We believe it will inspire and guide our members on their karate journey.
道館訓 - "Dojo Kun"   
The term 'Dojo Kun' refers to a set of guiding principles for the karateka (karate practitioners) to follow, both inside and outside the dojo. The Dojo Kun serves as a code of ethics and conduct for karateka, helping instill values such as discipline, respect, and self-improvement. It is often recited at the beginning or end of training, typically before the bowing ceremony, to remind practitioners of the values they should uphold."
The word "Dojo" (道場) itself means "place of the way" or "place of enlightenment" and signifies the training environment where karateka strive to improve their physical, mental, and moral character.
(重視禮節 - Good Manners, be courteous and respectful)
(Hitotsu, reigi wo omonzuru koto)
(陶冶個人品格 - Cultivate one's character, Improve personalit)
(Hitotsu, jinkaku wo migaku koto)
(謙虛的態度 - Be humble/good attitude)
(Hitotsu, kenkyona taidodearu koto)
(培養努力的精神 - Foster the spirit of effort/Give best effort)
(Hitotsu, doryoku no seishin wo hagukumu koto)
(保持真誠和關懷 - Be honest and care for others)

(Hitotsu, seijitsu de omoiyari wo motsu koto)

